Telling someone else's story is complex on a number of levels. We are still working on these narratives, trying to ensure we tell the stories of others with respect and integrity. We believe the stories we are telling on behalf of those who came before us will both refine and expand as we learn more. Sharing the stories of the Waitaki is an honour. Weaving a tartan fabric that tells some of these stories is something dreams are made of.
We are so very grateful
Sharing the stories of this beautiful place with integrity and respect is very important to us. We don't want this to be just a commercial project, we want it to be a narrative, where the story of the colours and design encourage people to think of and reflect on the relationships we have, or could have, with each other and our environment.
We have a deep connection with this region we call home. We acknowledge with respect Waitaki's takata whenua, the generations who came before us, and those who will come after.
We acknowledge and appreciate the support and guidance given us regarding the cultural, historical and geographical history of the Waitaki region.
The traditions of Waitaha, Ngāti Māmoe and Ngāi Tahu are embedded in the landscape and the history of our region, as are those of the early European sealers, whalers and settlers, and those more recently settled here. Just as the stories, place names and traditions are interwoven throughout the landscape, we have endeavoured to weave them into the designs of our Waitaki collection.

Translation of Waitaki: "weeping waters" (wai = "water", taki = "to weep, mourn").
Flowing from the hinterlands of the Southern Alps to the Pacific Ocean, the braided Waitaki River drains through the Waitaki Lakes, providing water to produce hydro-electricity, irrigation for farmers and the water supply for towns in the region, and an ever changing habitat to unique species of aquatic flora and fauna.

I have been researching the history of the Waitaha peoples in the Waitaki district.
I don't feel comfortable writing anything here until I have discussed it with our Waitaki Waitaha iwi.
I have included links to some articles and websites I've found if you would like to learn more.
If you'd like to learn more:
Waitaki: Water of Tears, River of Mana - Kelli Te Maiharoa (2020)
Our Truth, Tā Mātou Pono: The winter migration to protest against land loss
Waitaha Waitangi Tribunal claim - Stuff article
Waitaki taoka (Willetts collection)
Waitaha Taiwhenua o Waitaki - Facebook
Walk re-creates Te Maiharoa’s journey

Ngāti Māmoe
I have been researching the history of the Ngati Mamoe peoples.
I don't feel comfortable writing anything here until I have discussed it with Ngati Mamoe.
I have included links to some articles and websites I've found if you would like to learn more.
If you'd like to learn more:

Ngai Tahu
I have been researching the history of the Ngai Tahu peoples in the Waitaki district.
I don't feel comfortable writing anything here until I have discussed it with our Ngai Tahu iwi.
I have included links to some articles and websites I've found if you would like to learn more.
If you'd like to learn more:

Early European
More to come ...